
Patel, R. & Hernandez, S. 2021 ‘Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Navigation Strategies  for a Europa Lander Concept’, presented at AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Virtual Conference, Big Sky, 9-11 August. (AAS21-738 PREPRINT)

Patel, R., Moore, J., Stuart, J., Hernandez, S., & Alper Ramaswamy, B. 2021 ‘I’ll Have the Porter: Interactively Visualizing the Results of Statistical Maneuver Analysis’, presented at AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Conference, (Virtual), 1-3 February. (AAS21-334 PREPRINT)

Abdolrahimi, S., Yale, B., Welsher, J., Tzounis, C., Fofrich, J., Cancinos, R., Patel, R., Cabrera, J., Hassel, C. B., Nakhjiri, N., Scott, D., & Johnson, A. (2022). Voyager 3: A Concept Mission to the Interstellar Medium, published to AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. (PREPRINT)

Patel, R., Landau, D. & Lam, T. 2020 ‘Solar System Escape Trajectories Using Outer Planetary Gravity Assists’, presented at AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Virtual Conference, Lake Tahoe, 9-14 August. (AAS20-741 PREPRINT)

Yale, B., Patel, R., Cabrera, J., & Nakhjiri, N. 2020 ‘Broad Trajectory Searches Using Monte Carlo Tree Search with the Inclusion of ΔVEGA Trajectories’, presented at AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Virtual Conference, Lake Tahoe, 9-14 August. (AAS20-686 PREPRINT)